Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory HKZ300 successfully launched

After a long delay caused by the Covid pandemic, the 300 bar HKZ was finally installed and successfully launched at Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory in Guangdong.

Beihang University HKZ successfully launched

We are pleased that the 10 bar HKZ was installed and successfully launched at Beihang University. We are eager to learn about the discoveries that the users will gain with the help of the furnace.

Multiple Postdoctoral Openings in Argonne National Laboratory

Multiple Postdoctoral Openings, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory:

Position #1:  Bulk oxide crystal growth – while properties measurements will be an element, the primary skillset desired is considerable experience in single crystal growth of transition metal oxides, familiarity with intermetallics also welcome.

Position #2:  Topological Matter…


In May we celebrated our 10th anniversary in a relaxed atmosphere together with friends and families in a nice venue near Dresden. We are looking forward to the next 10 years of being partner of science!

New workshop rooms

Our workshop has moved to new big rooms conveniently located in the same building as our main offices in Gutzkowstrasse 30, 01069 Dresden. We have used the chance and renewed most of the metal working machines with modern fully automated CNC systems. This enables us to further increase the…

Hefei University HKZ successfully launched

100 bar HKZ was installed and successfully launched at Hefei Institutes of Physical Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Hefei HKZ successfuly launched


Nanchang University HKZ successfully launched

10 bar HKZ was installed and successfully launched at Nanchang University.

Nanchang HKZ successfuly launched

Nanchang HKZ successfuly launched

Delivery of the Levitation Melting Facility KTS to the Paul Scherrer Institute

Our Levitation Melting Facility KTS, a multifunctional apparatus for alloying and casting of sensitive metallic rods using a levitated melt in a cold crucible, was succesfully delivered and launched at the Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Villingen, Switzerland. The device is now working in the lab of the Solid State Chemistry Group lead by Dr. Ekaterina Pomjakushina.

Lesen Sie mehr | May 06, 2018

New article in Dresdner Transferbrief – ScIDre innovations and products overview

Materials science has a long tradition and a strong, competitive current position in Dresden. The new issue of Dresdner Transferbrief placed therefore an emphasis on emergig materials, linking industry applications and scientific research topics. The editors included also a detailed overview article with…

HKZ 150 successfully delivered to the Paul Scherrer Institute

The new 150 bar HKZ furnace was successfully delivered and launched at the laboratory of Ekaterina Pomjakushina and her Solid State Chemistry Group from Paul Scherrer Institute PSI in Villingen, Switzerland.