Multiple Postdoctoral Openings, Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory:
Position #1: Bulk oxide crystal growth – while properties measurements will be an element, the primary skillset desired is considerable experience in single crystal growth of transition metal oxides, familiarity with intermetallics also welcome.
Position #2: Topological Matter – primary skills should be in physics and measurement with secondary experience in materials synthesis and crystal growth; strong interest in learning about x-ray scattering applied to topological matter.
Position #3: Structural and Dynamical Properties of Quantum Materials – expertise in x-ray and neutron scattering (elastic and/or inelastic) of quantum materials, secondary emphasis in synthesis and growth
These three postdocs will be working closely together under the supervision of John F. Mitchell and Daniel Phelan as part of a recently-funded DOE project on quantum matter in the Materials Science Division at Argonne. Collaborations with x-ray and neutron scattering groups at Argonne will be an important part of this effort.
Evaluation of candidates will begin immediately.
Positions are intended to start around Jan 1, 2021, but earlier or slightly later starts are possible.
For details on application please contact:
John F. Mitchell
Argonne Distinguished Fellow and Senior Scientist
Materials Science Division, Argonne National Laboratory