DKT 2024 in Erlangen, Germany, March 2024

The annual meeting of crystal growers in Germany, Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung 2024, will take place in Erlangen on March 6th to March 8th on the campus of…

20th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy in Neapel, August 2023

 ICCGE20 in Naples

The 20th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy was held in Naples on July 30th to August 4th, 2023. ICCGE-20 brought together a vibrant and broad audience made of physicists, chemists and engineers from more than 40 different countries who contributed to…

Dresden Hydrogen Symposium


The "Dresden…

DKT 2023 in Augsburg

The annual meeting of crystal growers in Germany, Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung 2023, took place in Augsburg on March 15th to March 17th in the Augsburg Innovation Park right next to the Augsburg University campus.

As every time in the last years, ScIDre participated in the German Crystal Growth conference DKT and presented our latest developments in the field of…

7th European Conference on Crystal Growth in Paris, July 2022

The 7th European Conference on Crystal Growth will be held in Paris on July 25th-27th, 2022, offering a significant international scientific event with major impact in the…

9th German-French Workshop on Oxides, Dielectrics, and Laser Crystals (WODIL 2020)

The 9th German-French Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric and Laser single crystals (WODIL 2020) is a continuation of the annual DGKK meetings on “Crystals for lasers and non-linear optics”. The workshop is devoted…

Inaugural visit of the new Saxon minister for Science at the IFW Dresden

ScIDre, a spin-off company of the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden (IFW), was present at the inaugural visit of Saxons new minister for Science, Sebastian Gemkow, at the IFW Dresden.
Besides getting familiar with the work and functioning of the IFW, the minister achieved an overview about the different spin-offs of the institute. The minister was particularly…

8th International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology (IWCGT-8) in Berlin/Germany

The 8th International Workshop on Crystal Growth Technology, originally scheduled for June 2020, had to be postponed to 2021. Either way, ScIDre is looking forward to participate in the Workshop and to inform you about…

DKT 2020 in München/Garching


The annual meeting of crystal growers in Germany, Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung 2020, took place in Garching close to Munich on March 11th-13th 2020. A pleasant part of the program was the festive event to commemorate 50 years of the German Crystal Growth Assosiation (Deutsche Gesellschaft für…

3rd FZ Workshop in Oxford

Many thanks to all participants of this inspiring workshop!


Oxford University, UK

The 3rd workshop “Floating Zone Technique” took place from 16th to 18th September 2019 at…