Recently, we started the setup of an ultra-high pressure floating zone furnace, suitable to handle pressures of up to 300 bar oxygen or argon within the growth chamber.
Over long time ScIDre engineers worked on increasing the gas pressure in the HKZ crystal growth chamber beyond 150 bar. Now, the group of Prof. T. M. McQueen from Johns Hopkins University (Baltimore, USA) ordered this cutting-edge crystal growth device which allows different growth atmospheres with up to 300 bar pressure after securing a NSF grant for Material Innovation within the PARADIM platform. On their website, the researchers from Maryland write: “The McQueen Laboratory is a solid state chemistry materials research group focused on the discovery of new phenomena through the design and synthesis of new materials. We aim to achieve the next generation of materials revolutions by combining the development of new synthetic techniques with advances in measurement and analysis methods to discover, design, and control materials with exotic electronic states of matter.” We are pleased to announce, that the 300 bar HKZ furnace will help to achieve this next generation of materials revolutions.