From February 20th to 22nd the workshop "Floating Zone Technique" took place at the Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden.
Thanks to everybody for this inspiring meeting!
Mircea-Odin Apostu* Saicharan Aswartham Josie Auckett Andreas Bauer* Robert Beck Christian Blum Bernd Büchner Tusharkanti Dey* Hiroshi Eisaki Andreas Erb Julia Fischer Markus Gellesch Christian Hess Nazmul Islam* Guido Kreiner* Sven Landgesell Chengtian Lin Dirk Lindackers Wolfgang Löser Andrey Malyuk John F. Mitchell Ashwin Mohan Christoph Neef Ahmad Omar Christian Pfleiderer* Alexandre Revcolevschi Steven Rodan Robert Schöndube Michael Schulze Franziska Seifert Surjeet Singh* Amartya Singh* Hannes Stummer Dmitry Suptel Isao Tanaka Sabine Wurmehl Jiaqiang Yan Jianxiu Zhang Frank Zobel
(Mouseover the photo to highlight names. Names with * = person is not on the photo)