HyLiq-pump: new technologies for the efficient transfer of liquid hydrogen
Hydrogen technologies are making a major contribution to the success of the energy transition. In order to further advance a green hydrogen economy, the Federal Ministry of Education and Research of Germany (BMBF) is funding three hydrogen lead projects. ScIDre participates in the current projects “TransHyDE”-”AppLHy!” to develop solutions for the transport and application of hydrogen in liquid form (LH2). This has benefits in transport and application due to its purity and energy density, but there is also an additional energy requirement for liquefaction. However, liquefaction offers some systemic advantages due to the purity of the product LH2, pressure-less storage, high energy density and the providing of cooling power. In the our sub-project, the Dresden HyLiq consortium - consisting of TU Dresden, IFW Dresden, HTW Dresden and ScIDre GmbH - is developing solutions for low-loss transfer, loss-free storage, innovative level measurement and cooling power use. The contributions of ScIDre have the goal of significantly minimizing losses during LH2 filling by developing an advanced and scalable LH2 pump, so that a low-loss and sustainable LH2 transfer process can be established at all filling stations in the future. Realized demonstrators will be set up and measured at the existing LH2 test field of the TU Dresden. The processing and in particular the use of the test field will be carried out jointly with our partner in the HyLiq consortium. If you would like to have more information about this project, please contact us.